This artwork is a readymade artwork that takes inspiration from modern artist duchamp. I took these ideas of gathering mass produced items, then gathered my information about cultural appropriation by america and its citizens and created this. Pre 20th century non-European Art was considered to be curiosities and primitive house decor, resulting in never being thought of as art, but only bought to be shown as traveling mementos from trips to foreign places and showing wealth and power. Long ago, a group of English people took a trip to newly discovered land, and figured they could use this place to "create" a new society. But when they arrived to this place called America, they realized nothing new was discovered or used, so the traditions of England continued. When these English refugees realized the culture they were building was unimaginative, they began to steal cultural elements from other places far and wide through travel and appropriation. They took artifacts, ideas, concepts, people, and other cultural elements, twisted them, and began to destroy them for people from the other cultures. Most people in America take for granted the culture they have [stolen]. Americans think that their culture is something that was built from nothing. But, that's not the case. Over time, a culture mixed with strange ideas and concepts different from every other culture, was created; a culture of botched concepts, strange foods, oversized items, and other things were manufactured to feed their impatient lives.